How to Spot Real & Fake Online Product Reviews?

Tips To Find Out If Product You Are Buying Has Real Reviews Or Fake

We often see products having 100% positive ratings on many onlise shopping portals. But does this means that product is really that good? If there are real reviews then it is not possible for a product to have 100% positive ratings. Many companies employ deceitful techniques to rate their products higher so that more and more people buy their goods. You need to be cautious when buying online. Let us see how to spot real online product reviews and leave aside the fake ones?
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Today, all the companies want you to buy their products, and the fastest and easiest way to do so is by providing you with positive reviews. To be able to do that, they pay writers or authoros to write good reviews and post it on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, or post it on the company's website, or any other paid to write site or blog. On the other hand, some companies send free samples to some people and ask them to write good reviews in return.

How to Spot Fake Reviews?

  1. Old reviews: products and ingredients do change, so old reviews are not accurate about the product that is on the market today.
  2. Ignore sites with only positive reviews; it means that they only want to sell you the products or they are paid to create a good image about it.
  3. Ignore sites that have few visitors. These sites have no credibility. 
  4. Ignore reviews that are written by females for a male product or the other way around. That may be a fake review.
  5. If you are not allowed to comment then the chances are product is not worth buying. And reviews posted for that product might be fake. 

How to Spot Real Online Customer Reviews?

Go through the following tips whenever you want to read an online review. These tips will help you find the real online reviews about the product that you want to buy. 

Now we all need real factual information about any product that we like to buy before we buy it, and online reviews are the best way to do that. Also, real reviews save us lot of money. 


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