5 Social Media Accounts an Entrepreneur Must Have

A Digital Entrepreneur Must Have This 5 Social Media Accounts

5 Social Media Accounts an Entrepreneur Must Have
Image Source - https://pixabay.com/en/finger-hand-search-magnifying-glass-3389911/
If you are an entrepreneur, it is important that you create your online presence by having accounts at various social media platforms. They not only let you promote your products or services but also connect you with your customers. Here is a list of 5 best social media platforms that an entrepreneur must make presence at to achieve business goals.

Try approaching a successful entrepreneur you know and ask them if social media became one of the recipes of their success. I bet almost all of them will respond with a big YES. This shows to prove that for them, social media is not a fad or a trend. It exists with a purpose of bringing significant impact not only to individuals but to other industries as well.

Every entrepreneur must view social media as not just a platform of recreation but as an opportunity for social interaction to potential customers- the core purpose of every business. There are many social networking sites that can help you achieve your business’ peak of success and it’s better to create an account of at least five of them. Don’t just stick to one account because each social networking site has unique features that others don’t have.

The feature may perfectly fit to the description of the product you’re selling.

5 Social Media Platforms for Entrepreneurs

1. Facebook

Yes! It’s the most popular site in the virtual world but I’m not only talking about creating your own account, posting your products and that’s it. You also need to create your own Facebook page because that’s where successful companies are getting their clients. The beauty of having your own Facebook page is that it generates a statistical report so you will know how many views you have in your posts, the number of likes, and the days where most of your followers and likers read your posts, etc. Everything you need to know has already been provided in the report. You can also boost your product post to a wider target of audience but that’s when the business of Facebook comes in. You need to pay for an amount equaled to the number of audience you want to target. If you don’t want to pay for it, your only alternative is to convince all your Facebook friends to like your page and share in their wall for every post you have.

2. Twitter

Just as Facebook was hitting the number one social networking site many years ago, twitter competes with the same flow. It’s the same platform as Facebook but the unique feature of Twitter are the ‘tweets.’ These are posts that members use to interact with each other. Every tweet is limited only up to 140 characters so if you use this for your business, you will learn the idea of endorsing your product in the shortest, most concise and most direct way. Aside from that, your post will be exposed to a wider audience. Be careful ‘though not to tweet too much on personal and competitive posts which will put you at risk of losing your credibility in business.

Twitter also became the pioneer of leading the use of hash tags. This isn’t only about putting a word in front of # symbol to make your tweet more appealing but more importantly in spreading the names of your product where users keep conversations and interconnections locally or globally.

3. Linked In

This is I think the best platform of letting your business grow successfully but I still encourage you to create an account from other sites mentioned in this list. I say it’s the best because the platform is totally business and employment oriented. It’s more of a professional networking site where your profile can become your resume and where you can find potential customers and partners for your business.  Recent statistics even suggested that Linked In is the most effective site for product launching.

4. Instagram

More and better pictures would mean more customers attracted to your product. This is an outstanding feature of Instagram where all businesses can fit in. If your line of business is under photography, travelling, real estate, health or food, you should not neglect Instagram. It’s more of a photo or video sharing when you can filter or edit the photos of your products to make it more appealing. Instagram is owned by Facebook Inc. so you won’t feel the hassle to start finding your friends again. It will automatically notify on your phone.

Furthermore, Instagram is more of a cellphone app so you cannot upload photos when you are using Laptop or desktop.

5. Google

Having a Google account lets you automatically connect to its other linked platforms. Google has also developed its own social media platform but is not popular yet. However, the good thing is that you no longer need to separately open your account one-by-one. Your g-mail account, Youtube account, Google+, Google docs, Google Adsense and Google Analytics all boils down under Google account. So if you log in/out to your account, all of these automatically logs in/out. Google has complete features that you need to grow your business successfully.


You can even add other sites such as Tumblr or Viber but you have to make sure you can manage to monitor and organize all your accounts effectively and efficiently. Just creating an account and posting is not enough to attract customers, you have to establish relationship to your clients even in the virtual world.

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