How to make money by starting cooking classes at home

How to start a cooking class business at home

How to make money by starting cooking classes at home
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Teaching cooking classes is a fast, easy way to start making money. These classes are very popular these days as kitchen meals are one of the healthiest options to opt for. So if one is expert in cooking new dishes, she can easily start earning money by sitting at home only by the means of these cooking classes.

Do you love cooking? Do you make your food so delicious that makes your husband, family members and friends rain praises on you for dishing out new and lip-smacking delicacies every time? If your answer is yes, then it means you are a great cook. Do you feel that you are frittering away your time at home? You can earn money by starting cooking classes at home. You should not be surprised as today cooking classes are very much in demand. You can earn a decent amount of money by starting cooking classes at home, if you are bubbling with very nice cooking skill. Do not idle away your talent; just use them by starting cooking classes at home.

How to start cooking classes at home to earn money?

Some women start cooking classes at home only with their experience, you can do it also, if you have much experience in cooking delicacies. You can take help of woman magazines, internet for new recipes.

But it will be better if you take some training in this field. You can take training in your city, a lot of cooking classes are mushrooming everywhere. Take admission into what you feel better and reasonable. You can also have full –fledged training to enhance your expertise. It is necessary to hone up your cooking skill when if you want to earn money by starting cooking classes. Learn various types of cooking like Thai, Chinese, Muglai Italian, etc. If you take training, you will ooze more confidence in teaching your students nice and new recipes every day.

How much investment is required to start cooking classes at home?

If you want to earn money by starting cooking classes, then you have to buy some equipments like oven, tandoor, beater, chopper, boiler, steamer to make your cooking easy. You need not invest much money, but you must have an extra room in your house to teach all students. If you do not have, then use your kitchen as a class room at the starting, but you must free yourself from all your household chores to make your kitchen clean and neat, you need to take proper care of your hygiene in your kitchen to draw more students in your cooking classes to earn more money. It is advisable to start your work on a small scale to see your performance. You can start with 6-8 students in one batch, see if you are getting more students or not? Then, increase your investment to earn more money in your cooking classes at home.


Your students can be housewives , college girls aspiring chefs , newly wed girls and boys also.

How to advertise your cooking class to earn money?

You can not sit idle after starting cooking classes at home. You need to advertise your cooking classes firstly through your neighbours, kitty party members if you are a member of any kitty party. You can put hoardings of your cooking classes with appealing photos saying that you can make your career here by learning cooking skills here or please your family members (especially husbands)by cooking new dishes, as every man's weakness is tasty food. It should be advertised that whoever comes here in bunch and refers new students will be given 25 percent discount or whatever you wish, in fees. Be diplomatic; charge your fees less than your rivals charge. It is very important for every business initially .You can even start teaching how to make papad, chutney, pickle to inspire financially weak women to be self reliant, once your start cooking classes, give your heart soul to it. Never give up and have patience. Because you can not get success overnight. Advertise your cooking classes in local newspaper, radio FM, or you can even visit schools or colleges to promote your cooking classes.


if you start your cooking class with 7-8 students at first, you can earn 3-4 thousands (in Indian currency) at home in the first month. It will increase with your increasing goodwill.

How to make your cooking class a successful venture in earning money?

After starting cooking classes, you must employ some good ideas to get thumping success. When you say that you will teach 3 recipes in your class, teach more than 3 recipes, give them cooking tips in between. You will earn nice goodwill, try to start a new classes like how to make oil-free and tasty dishes (fat-free) to widen your brand value among health-conscious people .Many people will come as some people shy away from the delicacies for the fear of extra calories. Try to teach the nutritional values of every food you make .Always have calorie chart. Try to use less fatty foods in place of oil rich foods .Start special classes like party foods, festival foods, oven cooked foods, snacks, deserts, use of leftover food and much more for the experienced students. Conduct a test among your students, and whoever tops, give him or her a gift. Try to make them a nice chef, make your students feel that you are helpful in making their career as chefs, in starting cooking classes, or Tiffin services or in winning the hearts of your family members.

Important things to remember after starting cooking classes at home

After starting cooking classes to earn money, do not get dejected as many students stop coming to your cooking classes after enrolling. Do not worry, your classes will be flooded with students when you will earn nice good will. Do not forget to take timely fees from yours students so that you will not be deceived by anyone. Never criticize your rivals, if you do it, it can evaporate your well earned good will. Always be polite and friendly to your students. Always make your classes interesting so that your student's interest may not dwindle in learning. 

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