The relative importance of Clauses in business English Communication

What is the importance of clauses in business communication?

The relative importance of Clauses in business English Communication
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In the English Language, clauses have their own value and importance. Whether it’s general English or the use of English language in business communication, getting a better grasp of the variety of sentence patterns and the function of various clauses is of great benefit, as it not only leads a person to make effective sentence creation, but it also helps him to be a better communicator and a writer. Let’s talk about the importance of clauses in a little more detail.

It’s of utmost importance that we should know what the clause is. Though we do normally use different clauses in our sentences knowingly or knowingly, but identifying them with their specific functions in the sentences will help us maintain effective communication. This knowledge can also aid greatly in creating sentences efficiently and maintaining the length of the sentences in accordance with the need and the range of possibilities to convey the message accurately.

A clause is a group of words which consists of a subject and a predicate. At this point, it is appropriate to mention that the definition of a sentence should not be confusing. A sentence is also a group of words or a single word that expresses a complete thought, feeling or idea that contains explicit or implied subject and predicate containing a finite verb. This would lead us to know and understand what differentiates between a sentence and clause.

A sentence must have a subject, whether expressed or not, a verb and a complete thought or a predicate being supplied by a variety of constructions, whereas, a clause is a group of words containing a subject and predicate and functioning as a member of complex or compound sentence.

Clauses can be either independent (also called main clauses) or dependent clauses (also called subordinate clauses).

An independent clause (or main clause) contains both a subject and predicate, can stand alone as a sentence (a simple sentence), or be a part of a multi-clause sentence, whereas, A dependent clause (or subordinate clause) contains both a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as a sentence. It must always be a part of a sentence, on which it depends to convey the full meaning. To be more precise, a clause is a part of a sentence. Each clause has only one main verb. For example, I love my parents is a sentence which has only one clause. But if it is said this way, I love my parents and I will always love them, it’s a sentence having two clauses and the word ‘and’ (as a conjunction) is used to join these two clauses.

As stated above, a clause contains subject and predicate and functions as member of complex and compound sentence. So, in the above sentence, ‘and I will always love them’ is a part of sentence which is called as compound sentence. The following example sentence might be helpful in knowing and understanding how a clause is a member of a complex sentence. 'Our manager stood beside us whenever we faced problems in the organization.' The part of the this sentence, “our manager stood beside us” is a main clause or independent clause, while the next part of the sentence is called as dependent or subordinate clause. It should make clear that the first part of the sentence can stand alone as a sentence, while the second part doesn't and it depends on the first part to give full meaning.

The importance of using various clauses in the sentences lies in the fact that many a time we need to join sentences to convey the desired message. It’s also important to use more sentences to produce the desire effect. At times, we are more concerned with the length of the sentences to make it suitable as well as conveying the required message to the recipients. In addition, if you know how to join various sentences on the basis of their specific function, we can maintain a good flow of communication while expressing the thoughts, ideas and feelings in an accurate manner. For all the above reasons, understanding the functions of the clauses is important.

Above and beyond, it can be said that a reasonable understanding of the various clauses in the English language, enables one to make both active and passive sentences in an effective and efficient manner while it helps in joining the sentences together with the appropriate conjunctions between the sentences. It would thus lead one to maintain effective communication at both verbal and written.



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