Leaders adept in managing crises are always sought after. Leaders who accept change and make others accept change are assets for a business.
Leaders create more leaders – so goes the famous saying. The true test of leadership is reflected only in times of crisis. But do people become leaders only because they occupy higher echelons in the organization structure?A good team is a great asset to any organization. But often leaders tend to take the credit for the successful outcomes of a team effort. If a leader has a fantastic team then success is assured. But the challenge for a leader is to deal with teams which are not performing so that they can be motivated and energized to put their best foot forward.
Traits of a good leader - creating a dream team
A leader has to unleash every individual’s potential to its full extent to remove constraints.
Leaders have to work through constraints as though they do not exist. Businesses expect leaders to be successful amidst all the constraints.
It is the leader’s job to encourage subordinates, unleash the potential of individuals and in the process help effectively deal with constraints like budget, time and scope.
A true leader should not lean on a dream team for success – then where is the question of his leadership contributing to the success? It is the job of a leader to create a dream team.
What a leader can (should) do
Public memory is awfully short, and one of the reasons why financial crisis tend to recur as soon as the horrifying memories of the last crisis have died down. As we complete a decade of what was one of the worst and most wide spread financial crisis of last century, perhaps it is time to remind ourselves of the man-made follies that led to it, and try to ensure that they are repeated in near future. .
This article emphasizes the importance of maintain reward power in organizations, as it leads to the desired business results..
Laissez-faire means "let it be" or "leave it alone". In general, it means leaders leave all the responsibilities on their subordinates in any manner they choose, without following any hard and fast policies or procedures. .