Human Resource Management- Functions and Objectives

Objectives and functions of human resource management

Human Resource Management- Functions and Objectives
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There are number of tasks performed by HRM in an organization. Let us look at various objectives and functions of human resource management

HRM and its importance started to be considered as an integral function of the organization and as a specialized field of study with the realization of the fact that employees, independently or jointly, play a pivotal role in the achievement of the overall organizational goals and objectives. HRM aligns the employee’s skills with the present and future needs of the organization and utilizes it towards the achievement of the desired goal. It analyses the workforce profile, skills, abilities, qualifications, potential, capabilities etc. and assign them various responsibilities as per the requirement of the job and the workers profile. Moreover it also facilitates acquiring, training and retaining the talent. HRM does not only takes care of the present organizational objectives but it also examines and determines the future organizational needs for developing strategies as per the future requirements.

Moreover, after identifying the fact that employee turnover is directly proportional to the employee dissatisfaction, taking care of the needs of the employees also became one of the major considerations of HRM. Unsurprisingly, now days, HRM is looked up as a prominent department and shares its existence with the top management functions and figures of the organization.
Today, HR is an exclusive department in almost all organizations and has a number of important functions to perform. These are as follows:

1. Employee Career Goals: To understand that the employees are also individual and have their own set of needs. They also have certain goals and they also want reach the pinnacle of the career ladder. The HR has to identify those needs and work upon them to make the employees feel important and motivated by providing them time to time training related to their field of interest. It is to be kept into consideration that if the employee will not find any career advancement in the kind role he is assigned in the organization, his inclination towards performing will be really low due to lack of motivation.

2. Organizational Goals: To understand and define the overall objectives and goals of the organization, its mission as well as vision. It also calls for aligning the skills of the workforce with the company’s mission/vision statement and encouraging them to work towards achieving those organizational objectives. It does not only include the present organization requirements but also forecasting the future needs and making strategies for fulfilling them.

3. Training and Development: To ensure proper availability of latest tools and methods for training the employees as required for their respective competencies. Identifying the imperfect areas which requires training and also working towards filling the need gap with the best available training tools. HR should realize that training is not an unnecessary expenditure which can be discarded; instead they should understand that if the employees are properly trained and developed, it can prove to be the best investment made by the company which will definitely furnish quality returns in future. HR’s job does not just ends with the training. They should also scrutinize the post training transformation in the performance the employees and should provide adequate feedback if further improvement is required.

4. Recruitment: Selecting the best workforce from the labor market by using the recruitment options like internal job portals, job websites, advertisements, employment agencies etc. Personal interviews, GD’s, Aptitude test should be unbiased and very seriously performed, for getting the cream employee. The candidates should be informed well in advance about the profile of the job, required skills, attitude and the workload a candidate can experience so that they may come with a defined mindset and give their best to the job offered to them. Before moving ahead with recruiting, the HR manager should ensure the adequacy of the funds to be invested on the recruitment procedure.

5. Staffing: To assign the right job to the right employee if the proper utilization of the talent is needed. The HR should understand that the employee will not be able to give his 100% if his talent is not utilized in the right direction. They also require making them understand the overall objective, mission and vision statements and also providing them proper resources which will help him attain those objectives.

6. Ensuring employee health and safety by abiding to the employee safety and health regulations.

7. Managing grievances

8. Ensuring provisions for adequate and promised compensation with fixed and variable benefits to keep them motivated.

9. Making strategies for reducing the employee turnover rate.

10. To ensure a positive work environment in the organization.

11. To continuously stimulate a sense of belonging, responsibility and accountability in employees.

12. Ensuring effective communication between employees and minimizing conflicts.

13. To ensure latest appraisal methods, fair and unbiased salary hikes for keeping the employees motivated.

14. To keep a record of the employee profiles and database so that it can be readily available at the time of recruitment and staffing and also ensuring its confidentiality.

15. To keep a bird eye view on each employees performance and regularly providing feedbacks on the same.

There are also some objectives for which HRM performs its aforesaid functions in an organization. Some of the objectives are as follows:

1. To achieve the organizational goals and objectives.
2. To ensure employee satisfaction at every level.
3. To instill team spirit in employees.
4. To explore employees capabilities for performing a given job.
5. To ensure maintaining the quality of work life.
6. To respect the employees as individuals and also respect their individual career
7. To equip the employees with proper resources.
8. To keep the employees motivated.
9. To encourage the feeling of organizational loyalty in employees.
10. To ensure a positive environment of mutual trust and understanding in the

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