Translation: Need,Importance and Benefits

Need, importance and benefits of translation

Translation: Need,Importance and Benefits
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Translation promotes global interaction thereby allowing interactive relationships in various fields such as technology, finance, trade etc. With the development of technology, it gas become very easy to reach across the nation just with the help of effective translation.

Translation is the process of changing the language that is written or spoken in to another language. Translation, In a loose sense, may also be defined as a word or phrase or text in another language that has a meaning equivalent to that of the original.

It is said that there are as many translations as there are languages in the world which reminds us the need and importance of the art of translation. The importance of translation emerges by the reason that it is one of the important disciplines being very much useful in various spheres of human activities. Besides, a large number of languages spoken or written all over the world, and, as such, an individual would not like to be confined to one language or the native language only, but preferably would be interested to learn different language for a specific purpose. The need and importance of translation also arises when one wants to know the words or phrases or a language used in other countries so as to familiarize oneself for a particular purpose. As a matter of interest, translation is also important when it is considered or when a person forms thoughts about how it would be possible to be mingled with the people of different country if he needs to stay in connection with the business or employment.

Moreover, there are times that necessitate sharing beliefs, values, customs, practices and the social behavior of a particular nation. In such circumstances, the art of translation becomes the very essence of the instances.

Translation is one of the various branches of learning and it has become an important discipline that encompasses separate body of knowledge being very much in use for various human activities, just to name a few are: language, business, education, law, religion, literature and legal requirements; while many more may be explored. Translation deals with the matching of words, grammatical structures and cultural contexts. The art of translation entails, accuracy and clarity and flexibility to produce the translation which a reasonable reader can expect and accept. The art of translation is very much needed in terms of employment. There are opportunities for the translators in various organizations. In addition, as a freelance translator, one can successfully survive on the basis of his artistic abilities.

As a token of appreciation, the art of translation must be duly recognized and valued as the body of written works of particular cultures, languages, people or periods of time which we read and enjoy today is the production and valuable gift of translation and the translators have been able to bring them to us with required accuracy and clarity and flexibility. Hence, the talents, technical skills or the exceptional abilities of the translators who labor hard to produce the translations are to be respected and duly acknowledged.

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